Are you suffering from ‘Tech Neck’?

In decades past we use to sit hunched over our books studying and reading.  Now though, with our increased dependence on smartphones, tablets and laptop computers, we are spending countless hours each day texting, researching and reading.  We do this with our devices on our laps with our heads bent forward.  While we may be achieving a lot more, it is taking a tremendous toll on our bodies.

Constantly looking down at a screen, promotes a hunched mid back and as a result, a reverse curve in our neck region.  This stress, over time, can cause pain in the neck, back, arms and hands. All the muscles that are overworked and overstretched over a period of time, start to stay that way.  These changes affect our posture and leave us vulnerable to pain and injury.

The damage we can cause may not be limited to the muscles but may also affect the shape of our spine.

Good news is there are things we can do to reduce some of the stress we place on our bodies due to technology.

5 tips to help alleviate tech neck and hunch back:

  • Get a sit/stand desk at work. This is a desk designed to elevate allowing you to work sitting or standing. Standing for parts of the day promotes circulation and may help in preventing aches and pain in the lower back and neck.
  • Hold your phones up! Try to elevate your phone up to eye height when you can, this will help keep your head in a more neutral position.
  • Take tech breaks, when you are walking turn your phone onto aeroplane mode. This way you can look straight ahead focusing on keeping your posture upright.
  • If you already have neck or back pain having chiropractic care can help.1
  • Stretches and posture exercises – at your next visit ask our chiropractor, Dr Nick, to show you which exercise are suitable for you to do each day to help improve and support your posture and reduce the effects of ‘tech neck’.2

1. Bronfort G, Haas M, Evans R, Leiniger B, Triano J. Effectiveness of manual therapies: the UK evidence report. Chiropr Osteopat. 2010;18:3. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

2. Kirk, R., Franz, R., Hoirlis, K., Stiles, A. (2010). Effects of a Short Trial of Posture Exercises on Forward Head and Forward Shoulder Posture in Healthy Adults. Life University. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, Vol 24, 1, 2010

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